Your dollars at work in Afghanistan

It’s been nearly four months since the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan, and the Afghan people continue to face incomprehensible hardship and an uncertain future. 

With your support, we are lending a helping hand in this time of tremendous need. We’ve begun distributing emergency assistance to 300 displaced families – primarily women and children – forced to flee conflict and drought with nothing more than the clothes on their backs. Thanks to you, as winter arrives, these families will have mats to sleep on, blankets for warmth, utensils for cooking, and books, pencils, and toys for their children. 

Bags of supplies for displaced families

Emergency aid kits – including blankets, mattresses, backpacks, toys, and books – ready for distribution.

Girl carrying baby in refugee camp

Displaced young girl and baby who are living in a camp for displaced people.

Women standing in line for supplies

Women and children waiting in line to receive an emergency aid kit.

Families receiving emergency kits

Families claiming their emergency aid kits provided by Central Asia Institute. 

For more information on the current situation in Afghanistan, please visit our FAQs page.

Your generosity makes a difference, and we are grateful. Thank you for your support and for continuing to keep the people of Afghanistan in your thoughts and prayers.



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